Free Download LINK ENGLISH Magz 5th Edition

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Alhamdulillah , with great happiness we’d like to see once again via our 5th  awesome edition of LINK English magazine.  By the issuance of this edition, we arrange this magazine as a medium for students to practice their English. Besides that, the magazine is also expected to be a means to share their ideas to others. Accordingly, we like all of you are able to have a self-actualization of your ideas.
btw, for reading the content you may download it freely via this link URL: let's cekidot d^_^b :

betapa menyedihkan potret wajah pendidikan kita

Di saat para (katanya) wakil rakyat DPR running/reyen toilet baru berharga tidak masuk akal, maka anak-anak di negeri ini harus bertaruh nyawa "hanya" untuk menyeberang sungai yang dalam menuju sekolahnya..
 ·  ·  · Bagikan · 3 jam yang lalu

if U really love your wife…

dear all netters
when I was window shopping at a moslem owned- perfume store in new delhi the shop owner gave my a nice suggestion.
Shop owner: brother, why don’t u try this one? this is so special.
me ; special in what case,Sir?
shop owner: the fragrance of this is so’s not to has a milder smell
me ; is this suitable for meri biwi (my wife)?
shop owner: yeah.that’s right.I think if U really love your wife you should buy this one (mulai deh
by showing him a smiling face I told him.
me: Sir, I HAVE and REALLY loved my wife but I think I’ll buy this in small portion just for trial.
shop owner: a trial? don’t make a trial in making ikrom/giving honor/respect to apke biwi (istrimu)..if u really love your wife u should buy the best one…
(wew, a really ineresting marketing and pragmatics approach. it’s almost similar to the expression of “sayang anak -sayang anak”" when a steert vendor is trying to sell his shaun or barbie dolls to parents.

Free download Principles of Pragmatics by Leech

Principles of Pragmatics (Longman Linguistics Library)

by:  Geoffrey Leech

md5:  c0920b9ebfae1eafc8320064014326dd
size:  17.34 MB   [ 18179594 bytes ]
type:     .pdf
status:  normal
language:  en  [ english ]
submitted by:  anonymous



Download gratis An Introduction to Sociolinguistics by Ronald Wardhaugh

Dear all netters.

Meskipun Pak Faizal ngga ngajar SocioLinguistics pada semester ini tetapi saya sempatkan juga donlot buku berjudul: An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, 6th Edition. written by Ronald Wardhaugh. kebetulan saya udah donlot yang kebetulan tahunnya 2006 seperti yang disarankan oleh Bu Itah Noor NM kepada salah satu aktivis forum Eiger Bu Giyatmi Jimmy. btw, too much talk will kill me since I'm actually an Iceberg,a silent man d^_^V. langsung aja yang udah ga sabaran mau donlot buku yang di pdf ini setebal 426 halaman dan kalo beli asline seharga cuma 22,50 Dollar. kalo kurs dollar satu dolarnya 9 ribu sudah 200 ribuan ck ck ck..bener2 linguistics mania kalo bener2 beli the original books. kalo senang yang gratis klik ajah link ini ya.

dijamin ga usah pake pasword segala. klik ini ya : __An_Introduction_to_Sociolinguistics__Blackwell_Textbooks_in_Linguistics_

sumbernya aslinya ini:
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scan hadits siapa yang menghidupkan Qur'an dan sunnah di akhir zaman

di akhir zaman akan ada orang-orang yang menghidupkan Qur'an dan sunnah dan bagi mereka pahala 50 pembenar.maksudnya pahala amalan sahabat Nabi SAW. untuk yang mau donlot hadits di atas silakan hadist siapa yang menghidupkan Quran dan sunnah di akhir zaman.....